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fuckemjoint 04-27-2019 06:38 PM

Mobile Site Loading ERROR
The following sites are getting redirected to https://m.ragazzeinvendita.com/xxxx instead of the subdomain assigned to them on mobile devices.

The only site that is loading on its designated subdomain on mobile and not being redirected is https://transcams.livesexjam.com/

All 5 sites have the same settings so i don't know why the 4 above are getting redirected to https://m.ragazzeinvendita.com/xxxx

Could you please correct this. Thanks

Affiliate id fuckemjoint

fuckemjoint 05-01-2019 07:47 PM

Please Reply
Is there anyone that will help me with the above??

fuckemjoint 05-11-2019 10:30 PM

I guess this is not important
Mobile means $$$ and this issue has not been addressed. I guess you don't care otherwise you would have handled it. Just like my payout issue. Oh well...

admin 05-12-2019 10:37 AM

Hi fuckemjoint,
we are managing everything, but you must have patience.


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